Top court ruling seen as pivotal to island character

In a decision that will determine the fate of the traditional character of many Aegean islands, Greece's top annulment court is set to decide on Tuesday on the building limits on Amorgos.

If the court accepts that the general building regulation is stronger than the special decrees for the protection of the islands, this will inevitably pave the way for increasing the height of existing and new buildings.

Amorgos has a special town planning status to protect its character, approved by presidential decree in 2003.

The case began in 2018 with the issuance of a building permit for two buildings with a basement in the Xilokeratidi area of Katapola, and an Environment Ministry interpretation by the  on how to measure building heights. 

"We don't agree with the Environment Ministry's interpretation. Everyone on Amorgos knows that you cannot build three- or...

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