Greece’s role in shifting global dynamics

Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien in conversation with Kathimerini English Edition's Editor in Chief Tom Ellis. O'Brien said the F-35 fighter jets that Greece is procuring are part of NATO's overall regional buildup. 

The delicate balances in a rapidly changing world and a world order that is being tested by two devastating wars, while global leaders are holding their breath in view of the US elections, were the focus of the discussions that took place on February 12 and 13 at the 5th Forum for Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean, co-organized by Kathimerini English Edition, Delphi Economic Forum and the Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC) in Washington, DC.

The strategic dimension of Greek-American relations, the difficult relationship with Turkey, but also more broadly in Greece's area of interest, the architecture of connectivity as opposed to perceptions of entrenchment were discussed by most participants.

The possibility of Donald Trump's return to the White House seems to worry lawmakers in Washington. Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland speculated that a...

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