Millions sit for Türkiye’s massive university entry exam

More than 3 million candidates have endeavored to attain the highest possible score in a nationwide university entrance exam during a two-day session over the weekend.

Within Türkiye's educational system, final-year high school students partake in a standardized test, the results of which determine their placement in universities.

This paramount exam is open not only to high school students but also to individuals of all ages aspiring to enter university.

This year's examination, contested by over 3 million candidates, notably included an 85-year-old participant, marking him as the eldest contender.

University student candidates spent hours answering test questions across various disciplines, including Turkish language, mathematics, natural sciences, history and foreign languages. At the same time, numerous families awaited their children outside the schools, which were off-limits to non-participants.

Regarded as the most significant examination in Türkiye, the sessions were conducted under stringent security protocols. Examinees were prohibited from bringing any items into the examination hall, including pens, with the sole exception of water. The official organization overseeing these standardized tests provides necessary items like pens and erasers within the examination rooms, in a bid to avert any cheating attempt.

During the examination sessions, nearly 1 million personnel were deployed, with stringent security measures becoming evident months prior during the question preparation phase.

The employees involved in the printing, packaging and distribution of the exam booklets experienced approximately 40 days of isolation from the external world. Over 100 individuals, including experts, faculty members, printing...

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