How Germany plans to tighten border controls in immigration crackdown

German federal police officers check a van at the Austrian-German border crossing point in Kiefersfelden, October 9, 2023. [Matthias Schrader/AP]

Germany announced plans this week to extend controls to all its land borders and turn away more asylum seekers in a bid to reduce irregular migration in a shift from its previous open-door policy.

Germany lies at the heart of Europe, with land borders to nine countries. The plans mark a setback to free movement within the European Union, a pillar of the European project, and could strain regional unity.

Here's more on the plans, what motivated them, and what reactions they have sparked:

What did Germany announce?

Germany announced on Monday it would extend temporary controls to all its land borders.

The controls within what is normally a wide area of free movement - the European Schengen zone - will start on September 16 and initially last for six months. On Tuesday it announced proposals to toughen up the implementation of EU rules on asylum...

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