Incentives for a new model

From left to right, National Economy and Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis, government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis, Agricultural Development Minister Kostas Tsiaras, and Development Minister Takis Theodorikakos, at the press conference on Monday.

The government aspires to promote the change in Greece's production model through massive tax deductions for research and development spending, which will even reach 315%, up from 200% today, reduced tax for a decade on income from products protected by patents, and tax credits for investment in startups.

Athens wants a model based on the production of innovative products with high added value, whether it is food or medical technology applications.

At the same time, in accordance with one of the main proposals of the "Pissarides report," the government is proceeding with the establishment of tax and financial incentives to promote mergers.

The relevant bill, the main points of which were presented on Monday by the ministers of development, Takis Theodorikakos, and national economy and finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, is expected to be submitted for a vote in...

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