Deal with Turkey necessary on migration

A sign reads 'Federal Republic of Germany' at the German border town of Koepchen at the border to Belgium, on September 16, as Germany begins carrying out checks at all its land borders. [Martin Meissner/AP]

Austrian analyst and head of the European Stability Initiative Gerald Knaus stresses the need for Greece and other countries to pressure for changes in the European Union's refugee legislation.

"[Greek Prime Minister] Kyriakos Mitsotakis and other leaders shouldn't just watch this debate like a traffic accident in Germany. They should come up with proposals that would be in the interest of Germany and in the interest of everyone. In my opinion, this is the proposal for safe third countries that would receive asylum seekers."

The initiator of the 2016 agreement between the European Union and Turkey on migration notes the need to allow safe third country agreements along the lines of this 2016 agreement.

The agreement, signed in March 2016, provided for a rapid assessment by the Greek authorities of a newcomer's eligibility for asylum and, in the event of a...

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