HALC makes ‘no weapons to Turkey’ petition to US Congress

The Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC) has launched a petition to block any attempt to include Turkey again in the F-35 program, from which it has been excluded.

The petition is a letter to four key members of the US Congress that can block such a sale of the advanced aircraft, the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

HALC was prompted to send the letter to the four Senators and Representatives after a Kathmerini article revealed that officials in the Biden Administration are pushing for a deal that would make the advance multi-role aircraft available to Turkey again if they agreed to store the Russian-made S-400 anti-aircraft missile system to the air base in Incirlik, southeastern Turkey, where they would be placed under US control.

"Turkey has a lot to prove to the American...

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