Sertic: New bankruptcy bill in works

BELGRADE - Minister of Economy Zeljko Sertic announced on Wednesday the adoption of a new bankruptcy bill.

In talks with Minister of Labor Aleksandar Vulin and President of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia (SSSS) Ljubisav Orbovic, Sertic underlined the need for countering prejudice concerning bankruptcy.

In most cases, the process implies "clearing" enterprises of accumulated debts and separating "healthy parts" that could continue to work, Sertic said.

The government is planning to introduce legal arrangements that will create conditions for the bankruptcy to be a remedy that will help revive certain enterprises, he said.

These are the enterprises that have structural problems that they cannot solve on their own, but they have workforce or some other capacities thanks to which it would be possible to launch production in them, the minister of economy explained.

Photo Tanjug, D. Peternek (archive)

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