Were you inspired by ISIL?

In Sakarya University, near Istanbul, a "spring festival" was organized, as they do every year. We did not have such festivities in my college years but I have been invited to such festivals recently; they are quite fun. Pop music groups are invited; young people sing songs and have fun. I am guessing that such festivities are organized in most of the universities around the country. 

However, the "Muslim Youth" in Sakarya University have opposed this festival. Sure, not everyone has to like this kind of entertainment. It could be personal reasons or ideological reasons. If you don't like it, you would not participate in it. 

If you consider this ideologically wrong, then you would make your propaganda, explain to the other students why this is wrong and aim to lessen the number of participants. When participants are fewer, then after a while they give up organizing such festivities anyway.

Democracy is this kind of a thing. If you have an idea, you explain it, you try to convince people. If you cannot persuade them, then you would not participate and protest it; it's that simple. 

However, the Muslim youth of Sakarya University were not satisfied with that. They staged a demonstration against the festival. Their picture was in the papers; it was a group of about 20. 

When campus security told them it was time for them to end their demonstration, they replied, "Do you want us to raid the festival?"

Now, things change here. What do you mean "raid the festival?" If you don't like it, then do not participate. You can even organize a meeting in another place on the campus according to your belief. Whoever wants to can join this or that gathering. 

Youth means being excited, but leaving aside wisdom and moving...

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