Four accused over boy's fairground death freed pending trial

Four suspects charged in connection with the death of a 13-year-old boy last Sunday at a fairground in Elliniko, south of Athens, were given conditional release pending trial after testifying before an investigating magistrate on Friday.

The manager of the fairground, a Greek, and an Italian national who rented equipment for use on the grounds were released after posting bail of 20,000 euros each. Two Bangladeshi workers employed at the facility were also given conditional release. All four were banned from leaving the country and told to report to police twice a month.

Earlier, Supreme Court prosecutor Efterpi Koutzamani ordered checks to be carried out on all child play areas including fairgrounds and circuses. Her order came a day after Interior Minister Yannis Michelakis sent out a circular to all local authorities calling for inspections.

Meanwhile Elliniko Mayor Christos Kortzidis has been summoned to testify to an investigating magistrate within the next 10 days in connection with the boy's death at the fairground. Kortzidis has been asked to send written testimony in answer to accusations of breach of duty with possible malice aforethought or through grave neglect after his municipality rented out the fairground without checking that the facility met safety standards and without issuing a license. If Kortzidis fails to provide the requested testimony, he faces dismissal from his post.

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