Serbia PM: Croatian Media Insulted My Dead Relatives

The Serbian premier on Monday accused Jutarnji list of publishing a politically-motivated article that "derides the killed members of the Vucic family" by claiming that they were not killed by Croatian WWII fascist Ustasa units.

Jutarnji list published a story on Monday which claimed that none of the Vucic family was killed during WWII.

After Vucic said last month that his "whole family was killed by the Ustasa", the newspaper sent a reporter to the village of Cipuljic near Bugojno in central Bosnia, where Vucic's father was born during WWII.

On the basis of interviews conducted there, it asserted that the Serbian PM was not telling the truth.

But Vucic insisted that the newspaper, which he alleged was "close to the highest circles of government in Croatia", had got its facts wrong.

"My father's father, Andjelko, one of the richest Serb householders in the village of Cipuljic, was taken by the Ustasa? and shortly after he was killed. My father has never seen him, because he was born after his death," Vucic said in a statement on Monday.

"They killed him, and for us, as a family, the names of the Ustasa butchers who were involved are well-known," he said.

He also said that a lot more of his relatives were killed by the Ustasa during WWII and one family member was killed by Croat forces during the 1990s war in Bosnia, while houses belonging to the family were destroyed.

He added however that despite this, he has "the deepest respect for Croats and all people of the Catholic faith".

"Serbs and Croats have a better and different future than the one that some political and media employees from Croatia want," he said.

He signed off his statement by describing himself as "the son of an ordinary...

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