Two notable people the late comedian did not impersonate

Daily Cumhuriyet has listed the unforgettable personalities of comedy star Levent K?rca, the beloved actor we lost earlier this week. 

I looked at the list; everybody is there: There is Atatürk. There is Süleyman Demirel, Bülent Ecevit. Even Necmettin Erbakan. There is also Bill Clinton. He even impersonated a despot like Ghaddafi. 

Ahmet Kaya, Fatih Terim, Ya?ar Kemal, Nâz?m Hikmet, H?ncal Uluç and even former Chief of General Staff ?lker Ba?bu? are on the list. 

There are only two names that are not on the list: One is Kenan Evren, the mighty president of the Sept. 12 military regime era; the other is Tayyip Erdo?an, the ?chief? of this era. 

What do you call this? One is the military coup d?état leader, the other is the ?chief? of a civilian intermediate regime? Is that a coincidence or a tragic similarity? 

As a matter of fact, Levent K?rca had, once upon a time, impersonated Erdo?an also. It was in a sketch called ?The Democracy Building.? His wife Emine Erdo?an was also in it. 

Erdo?an was the mayor of Istanbul in those times. 

There was an imaginary conversation between the couple. 

Erdo?an: ?The doorbell is ringing.? Mrs. Erdo?an answers, ?Why would the doorbell ring in daytime,? (with a pun of stealing in Turkish).  

Erdo?an: ?No honey, they are knocking at the door. Those at the door were police and they were detaining the young girl at the apartment across the hall on the grounds she was a terrorist.? Then they came and arrested the journalist and the unionist on the lower floors. While all of them were ?taken,? Erdo?an was happy, saying ?good.? 

Finally their door was knocked on again and this time he was ?taken? because he cited a poem?

What a sad sketch?...

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