Ayd?n Do?an refutes accusations on Hilton Hotel

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Do?an Holding Honorary Chairman Ayd?n Do?an has once again refuted accusations against him regarding the Hilton Hotel in Istanbul.

Do?an?s remarks Oct. 22 came hours after President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an mentioned the businessman in a speech, saying, ?He would have been in high spirits had we given what he wanted about the Hilton.?

?I found Mr. President?s remarks very odd,? Do?an said. ?Our friends have put forth the facts against this slander, which has been repeated over and over for years by the pro-government media led by daily Sabah.?

Do?an recalled the slander and defamation campaign in pro-government tabloids targeting him and his companies.

?Mr. President is the president of us all, and he is in the post to protect the rights of all of us,? he said.

?However, I find it peculiar that he ignores the offensive headlines and stories full of slander in these partisan newspapers against me, and makes remarks that merely incite them.?

Do?an said he is not, and has never been, a political figure, and also is not a political opponent of Erdo?an.

Regarding the accusations about Hilton, Do?an said his group bought the hotel in a transparent tender broadcast live on television at a time when Erdo?an was the prime minister.

?I have never wanted anything special from him [Erdo?an] regarding the Hilton,? said Do?an. ?I, as a property owner, have only made applications to the authorities within my legal rights and commercial practices. I just wanted my right; it?s that simple.?

Do?an said no construction has been made at the hotel since it was bought, and no trees were cut down.
?Maybe it makes sense for the president to bring this issue up before every election, but I find it odd,? Do?an...

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