Merkel Warns Closing Borders Could Cause 'Military Conflict'

German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Photo by BGNES

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that a move by her country to close the border with Austria might cause "military confrontation".

Germany will help all people fleeing war and persecution, but considers it just as send back people "who have come for economic reasons and do not need protection," Der Spiegel quotes her as saying.

She added "upheavals" might follow if borders are sealed off and fences are erected, referring to the development after Hungary started to build a fence along its border with Serbia.

Citing recent demands on behalf of Western Balkan states that a new conference be held on the migrant crisis over resurging tensions, Merkel warned: "And I wouldn't like to see that military confrontations are needed there again."

Der Spiegel quotes unnamed experts as saying that if Germany decides to close its border with Austria, other countries along the so-called "Balkan migrant route" might opt for the same.

Merkel's comments came as her government is being subject to increasing criticism over her decision to allow all migrants from the Middle East (most purporting to be Syrian) into the country.

In her words, Hungary's border has only pushed migrants to use alternative routes such as Croatia, Slovenia and Romania.

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