Eight people entered Europe using the same passport!

A total of eight people entered the European Union in recent months using the same passport as the one found on the Paris bomber that had entered Europe through Leros, Greece, on October 3. The bomber in question, Ahmad Almohammad, had blown himself up outside the Stade de France after a killing spree in Paris on November 13.

On Tuesday, French daily newspaper Le Figaro revealed that the Syrian passport used by Ahmad Almohammad may actually have been that of a Syrian soldier who had been killed months ago.

The Serbian police announced the arrest of a man in Serbia carrying exactly the same passport as that found near the dead bomber.

The revealing information raises suspicion that a number of people enter Europe seeking asylum while presenting fake passports.

It should be noted that the specific use of the passport was presented in Leros on October 3. A few days later the same person had submitted a request for asylum at Presevo, Serbia, before his traces were lost in Croatia.



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