Report Suggests Ankara Suicide Bomber Was Turkish Citizen with Fake Syrian ID

Firefighters try to extinguish the flames at the scene of a car bomb detonation close to buildings of the Turkish military, in Ankara, 17 February 2016. At least five people were killed and 10 were injured in the attack. Photo EPA/BGNES

According to initial report within the investigation, the perpetrator of the suicide bomb attack in Ankara last week was a Turkish citizen who had entered the county with a fake Syrian identity document.

The bomber has been identified as Abdulbaki Somer, who was born in the southeastern Turkish province of Van, Hurriyet Daily News informs.

He entered Turkey in 2014 with a fake identity document presenting himself as Salih Muhammed Neccar and claiming to be a Syrian citizen.

Upon his arrival to Turkey, he told the authorities that he had escaped the violence of Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

This differs from the statements made in the aftermath of the attack which pointed to the perpetrator as a Syrian national from the People's Protection Units (YPG), which is considered by Ankara as the Syrian offshoot of the Turkey-based Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

The earlier statements were based on tests of fingerprints of body parts found at the site of the attack, but subsequently DNA samples were examined.

A car bomb targeted military vehicles waiting at a traffic light in central Ankara last week, claiming the lives of 28 people and injuring 81 other.

Turkish authorities have so far detained fourteen people on suspicions of being connected to the bombing, which they believe was ordered by members of PKK.

The bomb detonated in the explosion was made at a construction site in Ankara.

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