Austria: We should put more pressure on Greece to protect EU external borders

While thousands of refugees and migrants who arrive daily in Greek islands are trapped in the country, since FYROM has closed its border following other countries’ same tactic, the countries along Western Balkan route meet in Vienna on refugee and migrant issue, where it is expected to close their borders with Greece.

Just a few hours before the start of the meeting in Vienna, Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said that it is not possible to agree on a solution about the refugee without the participation of Greece and estimated closing FYROM’s border with Greece will put more pressure on Greece.

Arriving at the meeting, Mr. Stefanovic said “As a person who lives in this part of the world I believe that Greece should not be left alone. Without the participation of Greece it is impossible to find a common solution,” stressing that any “misunderstandings could have been avoided if representatives of Greece were invited in today’s meeting,”.

However, Austrian Minister of the Interior Johanna Mikl-Leitner stated that today’s meeting aims to put more pressure on Greece stressing that trying to find a common European solution is not feasible at the moment and countries should “take measures on a national level”.

“An alliance among the Balkan countries is also required so as to put pressure on Greece to protect finally EU’s external borders,” she said.

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