Albanian police

Fredi Beleri named ruling ND candidate in European elections

Ruling New Democracy announced Fredi Beleri, an ethnic Greek mayor-elect in Albania recently sentenced to two years in prison for vote-buying, as a candidate for the upcoming European Parliament elections.

He was represented by his brother, Leonardo, at the ballot announcement in downtown Athens, as Beleri is currently in Albanian police custody.

Tension over Beleri apparent at funeral

The difficulties that lie ahead in finding an acceptable solution to the case of Fredi Beleri, the jailed ethnic-Greek mayor of Himare, were reflected at the funeral of his grandmother, which took place on New Year's Eve in the southern Albanian town, under tight security, with the presence of a total of almost 30 armed police officers. 

Albanian police smash online fraudsters that targeted Greek citizens

Albanian police have said they have dismantled a crime ring based in the city of Korce that defrauded Greek citizens by withdrawing thousands of euros from their bank accounts.

Around 5,000 people in Greece were defrauded by the gang, which was led by a 30-year-old man from Tirana and a 29-year-old man from Korce, police said.

Banjska still under blockade

In the village of Banjska, which is still under blockade, three more Serbs were arrested, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced.
Jarinje and Brnjak are still blocked for passage from central Serbia, and you can only exit from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.
