Athens Municipal council

How the goat fields became Kolonaki – The story of a pasture that turned Into an aristocratic neighborhood (photos)

Walking through the bustling streets of central Athens, whether as a resident or a visitor, or taking in the view of the sprawling, densely built capital from a balcony on one of its nearby hills, it’s nearly impossible to grasp that less than two centuries ago, this city was merely a tiny dot on the map.

Athens to undergo radical facelift

After the ambitious vision of creating a large traffic-free zone in Athens more or less fizzled out at the end of the previous decade, the Athens Municipal Council breathed new life into the project on Monday after approving a proposal for an extended pedestrian network and a drastic reduction of cars in the city center.

Athens bans Golden Dawn campaign rallies in public spaces

The Athens Municipal council on Monday voted overwhelmingly in favor of a recommendation by Athens Mayor Giorgos Kaminis that the far-right Golden Dawn party not be allowed to use public spaces to hold pre-election rallies.
"We will not give Golden Dawn any of the available public spaces for pre-election promotion because it functions as a criminal organization," he said.