Belgrade Court of Appeal

Serbia Frees Journalist’s Murder Case Defendants from House Arrest

Belgrade Court of Appeal has ended the house arrest order for two Serbian State Security operatives, Ratko Romic and Milan Radonjic, who are currently being retried for participation in murder of prominent opposition Serbian journalist Slavko Curuvija in April 1999.

Serbian Security Unit Commander Refuses Court Questions About Curuvija Murder

Former Serbian State Security Unit for Special Operations, commander Milorad "Legija" Ulemek, refused to answer questions about the murder of Serbian journalist Slavko Curuvija at the Belgrade Court of Appeal.

Legija told the court that he stands by his 2014 statement from the investigation and his 2016 statement from the first trial.

Barber of Malca arrested PHOTO

According to unofficial reports, he was arrested at a cemetery in his hometown of Malca. Earlier today, media reported that a local man had spotted him in the village of Malca.
Ninoslav Jovanovic was arrested, Tanjug confirmed at the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Nis.

Bulgaria's Corpbank Owner to Appear Before Belgrade Court

The Supreme Court of Serbia is to interrogate Tsvetan Vasilev, the majority shareholder at insolvent Corporate Commercial Bank (Corpbank or KTB), in relation to an extradition request from Bulgaria.

Vasilev left Bulgaria in the summer of 2014, in the days around the collapse of KTB which was placed under special supervision by central bank BNB following a bank run on June 20, 2014.

Serbia Appeals Court Rejects Bulgaria's Request to Extradite Tsvetan Vasilev

Belgrade Court of Appeal has rejected Bulgaria's request to extradite Tsvetan Vasilev, majority owner of collapsed Corporate Commercial Bank, or KTB, Sofia-based BNR radio station reported on Wednesday.

The decision returns the case to the lower court, BNR quoted a spokeswoman for Belgrade Court of Appeal as saying.