BiH Presidency

Dodik: Who consented to this?

Serbian member of the BiH Presidency, Milorad Dodik, pointed out that no body in Bosnia-Herzegovina has given consent to the presence of any military formation, not even the British one.
Therefore, as Dodik said, they do not come to Bosnia and Herzegovina in a legal way.

"This is an occupation of the Christian world, not a humane story"

"Bosnia-Herzegovina can only defend itself from refugees by changing its policy. We need to think about this problem in advance, not when we are confronted with them. We do not want a hard border on the Drina River, there are smarter ways of dealing with this issue. We can see what we can do further, in cooperation with Serbia.

Dodik "had it his way": Djukanovic's visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina vetoed

It is about declaring the Presidency's conclusion and decision of 19 February very damaging to the vital interests of Republika Srpska.
The statements were supported by all 56 MPs present, none were against or abstaining. Opposition MPs did not attend the vote, reports.
