Cambridge University

Greek doctors head incredible scientific breakthrough in the battle against cancer! (photos)

A team from the Welcome Trust Sanger Institute, headed by two Greek researchers, Dr. Konstaninos Tzelepis and Dr. George Vasiliou, in collaboration with joint project leader Dr. Kosuke Yusa, have made an incredible breakthrough in the fight against one the most aggressive types of cancer, acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).

People born in summer are taller than those born in winter

A study by Cambridge University found that babies born in the summer months are stronger and taller than their counterparts. The research, conducted on 450,000 Britons, found that pregnant mothers who absorb more health-boosting Vitamin D from sunshine in their second and third trimesters give their babies a head-start in life.

Nine neighborly “dwarf galaxies” discovered near our own

British astronomers discovered nine unknown “dwarf galaxies”, satellites to our own. This discovery enriches our galactic neighborhood. This is the largest number of nearby galaxies that have ever been discovered en masse. This is also the first discovery of dwarf galaxies for a decade.

