Colectiv Association

'Matei Bals' Fire/Protest in front of hospital, Colectiv Association's Iancu: I have no hope anything will change

Bucharest, Jan 29 /Agerpres/ - Several dozen people are protesting in front of the "Matei Bals" Hospital, on Friday evening, following the fire occurred this morning in this medical institution, a tragedy that resulted in five deaths. Eugen Iancu, president of the GTG 3010 Colectiv Association is present at the protest.

People march in Bucharest to remember Colectiv tragic fire; thousands pay tribute to victims

A few thousand people took part in a march in memory of the victims of the tragic fire at Colectiv bar, in Bucharest on Tuesday evening.

The event began in Square Unirii, where parents and relatives of the dead and the survivors came with flowers and candles to commemorate those who lost their lives in the tragedy three years ago.