Communist Party

ND clinches victory in EU polls but falls short of target

Near complete results in Greece show the governing center-right New Democracy party comfortably ahead in the EU Parliamentary election with just under 28% of the vote, but with a poorer showing than the 33% it won in the previous election which the party leadership had set as a bar for Sunday's poll.

KKE chief stands by ‘sugar daddy’ comment amid controversy

Dimitris Koutsoumbas, the general secretary of Greece's Communist Party (KKE), has stood by his remarks suggesting that the imposition of university tuition fees in Scandinavian universities has led young female students there to date older men for money in order to cover their educational expenses.

Parliament’s scientific service says university bill is constitutional

Education Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis said on Wednesday that lawmakers had dismissed the five objections submitted by opposition MP questioning the constitutionality of a bill allowing the establishment of private universities.

The minister said the objections were refuted by the parliament's Scientific Service.

Poll: ND continues to dominate voting intentions

The ruling New Democracy party maintains a sizable lead over PASOK and SYRIZA, according to a new opinion poll.

Estimated vote intention - after eliminating blank and invalid votes and declared no-shows - gives center-right New Democracy 36.5% of the vote, ahead of socialist PASOK (14.9%), left-wing SYRIZA (13.%), the Communist Party (8.7%) and far-right Greek Solution (8.0%).
