Community Volunteers Foundation

Turkey under the monopoly of men aged above 55, renowned social entrepreneur says

All areas in Turkey are under the "monopoly" of men above the age of 55, with women and youth being pushed back into the background, which is why society "cannot improve itself," İbrahim Betil, the former head of the Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV) and the founder of the Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG), said in an exclusive interview.

Our children

After the massacre in Ankara, daily Posta printed the photos of some who took to the streets for a peace rally and lost their lives, titling it ?Do not forget us.?

Most of the smiling faces in the photos were very young people in their twenties - ?ebnem Yurtman, Dilan Sar?kaya, Dicle Deli, Elif Kanl?o?lu, Gökhan Gökbonu, Onur Tan and many others. 

The Istanbul-Gambia line

I was quite surprised to see a bowl of rice sitting in the middle of the table when I went to have lunch with Ä°brahim Betil, a former banker who has been working in a nongovernmental organization for a long time.

Of course, the meal we were to have with Betil and other journalist colleagues was not only composed of flaky rice.