Constitutional Court of Kosovo

Kosovo Court Says Govt Can be Formed Without Elections

The Constitutional Court of Kosovo on Thursday ruled that President Hashim Thaci did not make an unconstitutional decision when he gave a mandate to a new prime minister to form a new administration without holding fresh elections.

He took this action after the outgoing ruling party, Vetevendosje, did not nominate anyone for the role.

Kosovo President May Seek Court Advice Over Political Stalemate

After Albin Kurti, leader of the winning Vetevendosje party, in the October 2019 snap elections again refused to name a possible prime minister, President Hashim Thaci has written back that he might ask the Constitutional Court of Kosovo to clarify the constitutional and legal position.

President reacts to EU's stance on ZSO

Reacting to EU's stance on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo - after an EU spokesperson told Tanjug on Tuesday that this would be done "in accordance with Kosovo laws and objections of the Kosovo Constitutional Court - the president said, "let them show us where this is written."

Vucic also said he was "surprised by this statement."

Court decides Visoki Decani monastery has ownership rights to land

GRACANICA/PRIZREN - Kosovo's Constitutional Court ended 16 years of dispute in a property case with a ruling deciding it in favor of Visoki Decani Monastery, confirming its ownership rights to over 24 hectares (59 acres) of the disputed land, the The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Diocese of Raska and Prizren said in a release on Saturday.

EU reacts to ruling on Community of Serb Municipalities

The EU "has acknowledged the position by the Constitutional Court of Kosovo on the Association/Community of Serb Municipalities," Beta reported on Tuesday.

The European Union said in acknowledged the court's ruling that the community should be set up "in line with the agreement signed by Belgrade and Pristina," and was "expecting all sides to respect the decision."

Constitutional Court of Kosovo - No early elections

PRISTINA – There will be no snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo, the Constitutional Court of Kosovo has decided and gave the opportunity to the biggest parliamentary group, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK) of the outgoing Prime Minister Hasim Taci, to put forward a candidate for chairman of the Kosovo Assembly.

Thaci "respects" decision that would give his party mandate

Thaci "respects" decision that would give his party mandate

PRIŠTINA -- Hashim Thaci has said that he will "respect" a decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo addressing the post-election deadlock.

The court on Tuesday decided that the party that won the most votes will name a nominee to form the next government in Priština.