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MAE urges Romanian citizens to leave Afghanistan and reminds activity of Embassy in Kabul is suspended

The alert level for Afghanistan has been reassessed and raised and Romanian citizens are urged to urgently leave this state's territory and to avoid any travel to Afghanistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs on Friday in a press release sent to AGERPRES.

MAE: Negative PCR test for SARS CoV-2 virus for entering Turkey

Bucharest, Dec 29 /Agerpres/ - Turkish authorities have provided new information on the regime applicable to the transit procedure in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, with citizens entering the Republic of Turkey being required to submit a negative PCR test for SARS CoV-2 virus, states the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE).

MAE: Two Romanians involved in rail accident near Barcelona; one is slightly injured, one unharmed

The Spanish authorities confirmed the existence of two Romanian nationals among the persons affected by the rail accident that took place near Barcelona on Friday, the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informed on Saturday, following the demarches carried out by the representatives of the Romania's Consulate General in Barcelona.

MAE on Romanians attacked in Northern Ireland: Consulate in Edinburgh took note; such acts, unacceptable

Romania's Consulate General in Edinburgh took note following the information emerged in the media referring to what would have been a hate attack against five Romanian citizens in the Newtownabbey district, the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informs at the request of AGERPRES.