Democratisation Policy Council

Drecun: No EU mechanism or bureaucrats can make Belgrade recognise so-called Kosovo

BELGRADE - The chairman of the Serbian parliamentary committee on defence and interior affairs Milovan Drecun said on Thursday no mechanism of the EU or some European bureaucrats would be able to make Belgrade accept to recognise the false state of "Kosovo."

Bosnian Serb Govt ‘Ends Cooperation’ With UK, US Embassies

The government of Republika Srpska, one of two entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, said it would "end cooperation" with US and UK embassies in the country from Thursday, in reaction to recently imposed US sanctions on the director of the Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs of Republika Srpska, RUGIPP, Dragan Stankovic.

Weber: Western Balkans has never been priority for EU

BELGRADE - The Western Balkans has never been a priority for the EU in comparison with other problems the EU has faced, such as the "Euro-crisis", says Bodo Weber, senior associate of the Democratisation Policy Council.

"The EU has remained on a kind of enlargement autopilot in the region for many years," he told in an interview.

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