Democratization Policy Council

"I expect that we will be harsher towards Serbia"

German expert on the Balkans and Senior Associate at the Democratization Policy Council (DPC), Bodo Weber, expects a sharper attitude towards Serbia from the new German government.
Weber said that, with a tougher stance towards Serbia, he expects the continuation of the policy towards Pristina led by Angela Merkel's government.

Weber: Western Balkans has never been a priority for the EU


The Western Balkans has never been a priority for the EU, compared with other problems it is facing, says Bodo Weber from the Democratization Policy Council.

In an interview for the European Western Balkans website, Weber described the EU as being "on autopilot" when it comes to enlargement.

Bosnian Serb Referendum Results Questioned

Sinisa Karan, president of the referendum commission in Republika Srpska, told a press conference on Monday that, after all votes have been counted, 99.81 per cent of voters had said "yes" to maintaining January 9 as the mainly Serbian entity's national day.

Karan said that of the 1,219,399 people eligible to vote, 680,116 did so, giving a turnout of 55.67 per cent.
