Romanians, Bulgarians Accused of Abusing German Child Benefits

Claims that Bulgarian and Romanian 'economic refugees' are abusing the German child welfare system by claiming benefits for children who live outside the country have attracted criticism from the Romanian Foreign Ministry.

Soren Link, the mayor of the western German city of Duisburg, accused the Berlin government of "sleeping through the problem".

A Man has taken Hostage a Social Worker in Bavaria

An unknown man took a hostage in a youth service in the German town of Pfaffenhofen in Ilm, province of Bavaria, the police said.

Police have isolated the area around the social office building, DPA news agency reported.

The criminal is believed to be armed with a knife. On-site special teams arrived. Security forces are trying to establish contact with the kidnapper.

Erdogan's Nightmare may become Germany's No.1 Diplomat

He is an ethnic Turk born in Germany, son of a gastarbeiter, defining himself as an "swab of Anatolia." He is a potential foreign minister of Germany and ... is Erdogan's living nightmare, reports WebCafe. 

The eventual nomination of Cem Ozdemir as the No. 1 diplomat in Angela Merkel's new cabinet provokes profound skepticism in Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party.
