Education Ministry

New strategy to combat youth violence

The government has unveiled an ambitious plan to tackle teen violence, aiming to address key issues such as domestic violence, bullying, cyberbullying, and juvenile delinquency. The strategy, developed by a committee of experts, proposes a broad set of measures and involves multiple ministries, including those of Education, Social Cohesion, and Justice.

AI ushering revolution in education

Artificial intelligence is rapidly reshaping Greek education, with both teachers and students in high schools using popular AI applications and tools to streamline tasks.

From answering questions to organizing exams and summarizing texts, AI has become an essential tool in classrooms across Greece.

Greece, Turkey at odds over minority schools

ISTANBUL - Tensions between Turkey and Greece are escalating due to disputes surrounding educational policies for minority schools. The Turkish Ministry of Education has introduced new restrictions affecting Greek minority schools in Istanbul, limiting events and visits that are not directly related to educational purposes.
