European Affairs Committee

Head of European Affairs Committee participates in meeting "Building a European Health Union"

The head of Senate's Committee on European Affairs, Angel Tilvar, says Romania is still "at the bottom of the European rankings" in terms of the percentage of GDP allocated to health or patients' access to innovative medicines. "Our country is still at the bottom of the European rankings in terms of the percentage of GDP allocated to health or patients' access to innovative medicines.

Gunther Krichbaum (Bundestag): Asked Justice Minister Toader to support Romanian candidate for EU Public Prosecutor

Gunther Krichbaum, CDU MP and chairman of the Bundestag's Committee on European Union affairs, called on Romanian Justice Minister Tudorel Toader to back Laura Codruta Kovesi for the position of head of the European Prosecutor's Office. Head of Senate's European Affairs Committee advises effective shift to multi-factor convergence paradigm

Head of the Senate's European Affairs Committee Gabriela Cretu told the meeting of the chairs of the Conference of the Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs that there are no recipes for cohesion and convergence, and the achievement of these goals depends on national, community and global factors as well.

European Commissioner Cretu: Cohesion policy guarantees raising quality of life for European citizens

Cohesion policy is the guarantee of raising the quality of life for European citizens, with the results being visible also in Romania, which in the period since its EU accession has received European funds of over 45 billion euros for its own development, European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu said Friday, ahead of a visit she will pay on Monday and Tuesday to Romania.

FYROM parliament to vote on name deal on Wednesday

The Parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) will ratify the deal reached with Greece on the name dispute on Wednesday, according to the country's MIA news agency.

The relevant draft bill will first be discussed at the European Affairs Committee before it is submitted to the Legislative Committee.
