European Court of Human Rights

ECHR convicts Greece for violating former head statistician’s right to fair trial

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) said on Tuesday that Greece had violated the right of Andreas Georgiou, the former head of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), to a fair hearing, when a top local court denied his request to refer a legal question concerning his care to the EU Court of Justice.

Turkish actress wins Europe court case

The European Court of Human Rights on March 7 condemned Türkiye for failing to protect the private life of Berrak Tüzünataç, a prominent Turkish actress who had been secretly filmed kissing Şahan Gökbakar, one of the most famous screen faces in the country and star of blockbuster comic movies, at her home in footage broadcast on television.

Discrimination Forces Transgender Albanians to Self-Medicate, or Go Abroad

Neither gender-affirming hormone therapy nor sex reassignment surgery is available in Albania, meaning transgender Albanians like Fiona face having to self-medicate or travel to North Macedonia, Serbia or Turkey. The costs, financial and psychological, can be huge.

Drawing a line

Greece's latest conviction by the European Court of Human Rights over the case of the former general secretary of public revenues draws a line for the country's political system that it ought to have drawn on its own: looking for scandal in order to sully the reputation of your rival should never reach the point of violating the presumption of innocence. Politicians are not prosecutors. 

Interior Minister accuses Western countries of staging psychological warfare against Türkiye

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has harshly criticized some prominent Western countries, including the United States, for closing their consulates and other missions in Istanbul over terror threat, accusing them of staging a psychological warfare against Türkiye.

Moldovan Church Urges Govt to Reject LGBT Couples’ Rights

The Metropolis of Chisinau and All of Moldova, widely known as the Moldovan Orthodox Church, asked the government on Monday not to recognise same-sex couples' partnerships as legal or bring in legislation to protect LGBT couples' rights in line with a recent European Court of Human Rights ruling.

In 2021 Bulgaria has Paid Out over BGN 740,000 in Compensation under Decisions of the Court in Strasbourg

Bulgaria is at the top of the ranking of EU member states in terms of the number of cases in the so-called "enhanced procedure" (clusters of cases posing structural and systemic problems) at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The country is in sixth place after Russia (16%), Ukraine (15%), Turkey (11%), Romania (10%) and Italy (7%).
