Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

Germany 'rejects 5,000 Turkish asylum applications'

Germany's immigration authority has rejected more than 5,000 asylum applications filed by Turkish citizens, local media reported on Sept. 13. 

German daily Tagesspiegel reported that the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) had ruled on 8,547 asylum applications in 2017 filed by Turkish citizens, and rejected 5,040 of them.        

Germany will evaluate the asylum application of Turkish soldiers: Minister

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere on Feb. 3 ruled out the Turkish government's demand to not evaluate the asylum application of 40 Turkish NATO soldiers suspected of being members of the Gülen network, believed to have orchestrated the failed July 15, 2016 coup attempt. 

Germans see refugees as biggest problem despite falling numbers

More than half of Germans see refugees and integration as Germany's biggest problem, a survey showed, despite the number of newcomers falling significantly on the year. 

A record 890,000 mainly Muslim migrants from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere arrived in Europe's largest economy in 2015, prompting concerns about security and integration. 

Three Turkish diplomats seeking asylum in Germany after coup attempt: Report

At least three Turkish diplomats, reportedly including one military attache, are seeking asylum in Germany in the wake of the failed military coup in Turkey, believed to have been masterminded by the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), German media cited government sources as saying. 

Turkish imams in Germany to stand guard in front of media buildings in solidary against terror

The Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (D?T?B) in Germany has called on Muslims in the country to stand guard in front of the buildings of media outlets after Friday prayers on Jan. 15, in a show of solidarity against terrorism in the aftermath of the attack at French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo that left 12 people dead.