Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dodik Quits High-Level Meeting Over Lack of Serb Flag

Milorad Dodik cancelled the talks on Tuesday after his demand that the flag of Bosnia's Serb-dominated Republika Srpska be placed next to the Bosnian state flag in the meeting room was refused by the other two members of the country's tripartite presidency.

Dodik then demanded that the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina be removed if there was to be no Republika Srpska flag in the room.

Bosnian Serb Entity Bans State Symbols From Exercise

Media in Bosnia reported on Wednesday that the government of Bosnia's mainly Serbian entity, Republika Srpska, has approved the participation of the entity's Civil Protection staff in an disaster-emergency exercise in Serbia - but they will not be allowed to display Bosnian flags or state symbols.

Bosnia's Pre-Election Pay Hikes Worry IMF

The International Monetary Fund is conducting an analysis of Bosnia's increased public spending and whether it will affect the agreement that the country has with the IMF.

It is expected to set up meetings with Bosnian officials once the analysis is complete. Regional TV station N1 reported that the meetings might be held next week.

Bosnia's Politicians Promise Pay Hikes as Elections Loom

As Bosnia's politicians prepare for parliamentary and presidential elections in October this year, many of them are wooing voters with promises of big pay hikes.

The government of Bosnia's Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, RS, has said it will take measures to increase salaries in the entity, with strong support from the RS President, Milorad Dodik.
