General Air Force hospital

Fire in Attica: Blaze on Mount Pentelis, Two Hospitals Evacuated – 29 Aerial Units Battling, Concerns Over Winds

Dramatic hours are unfolding in northeastern Attica as the fire that started in Varnava on Sunday afternoon is “rapidly advancing and has reached Mount Penteli,” as announced by the Fire Department spokesperson shortly before 6 AM today, “despite the superhuman efforts of all civil protection forces.”

Hospitals on alert as wildfires rage in Attica

Two volunteer firefighters have been intubated in the ICU of Athens' KAT hospital as Attica wildfires continue to rage.

The two firefighters have been hospitalised with pulmonary complications from burns.

A total of five burn victims have been admitted to hospital. It was deemed necessary for the two firefighters to be intubated.

Injured firefighter

Mirage-2000 jet goes down near Skopelos

A Mirage-2000 fighter jet of the Hellenic Air-force went down during an exercise on Skopelos island. According to reports, the pilot ejected to safety. The accident took place as the plane was engaged in a military exercise with two other fighter jets of the 332 squadron at approximately 12.18am on Monday. The reasons for the accident are being attributed to mechanical failure.