General Secretariat for Information Systems

Tax incentive for building upgrades

The demand by property owners for a tax discount in relation to expenditure on energy improvements and other upgrades to buildings will be satisfied by the government.
POMIDA, the national federation of property owners, has been pushing the idea for a long time and has now managed to convince the government as to its value.

Varoufakis’ “cloak-and-dagger” Plan B is up for investigation

The surfacing of former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis “Plan B” for the Greek economy has fast become a wound to the side of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) ruling party. Varoufakis own admission that there were plans to “hack” into Greek taxpayers personal tax codes has sent the political world abuzz.

House protection criteria will benefit wealthy borrowers, too

By Evgenia Tzortzi

The regulation that the Finance Ministry is promoting to freeze home repossessions effectively even protects households with high incomes, as it covers not only the 90 percent of households whose main residence is valued up to 200,000 euros, but also the minority that certainly require no protection.
