Greater Union

AGERPRES documentary "The Greater Union - 100 Years of Romania" premiers in presence of Crown Custodian Margareta

The AGERPRES documentary "The Greater Union - 100 Years of Romania" on Thursday ran for the first time in the presence of Custodian of the Romanian Crown Margareta and Princess Maria, at a screening hosted by the CinemaPro hall in Bucharest.

AGERPRES Director General Alexandru Giboi said before the screening that the film is "hundred percent about emotions."

AGERPRES historical images on display at UN hdqtrs.; UN senior official Lajcak: Romania, modern, well-integrated country

A photo exhibition of the AGERPRES National News Agency called "Romania: Evolution 100 Years," part of the celebrations of the December 1, 1918 Greater Union Centennial, opened at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on Tuesday, with the UN General Assembly President Miroslav Lajcak highlighting the progress of Romania, about which he said is currently "modern and well-integrated."

UPDATED/ Iohannis: PSD's so-called tax reform has generated uncertainties that could affect investor confidence

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that the so-called tax reform approved by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), major at rule, has generated uncertainties that could affect investor confidence.

Academician Theodorescu on Greater Union: It was the masterpiece of political thinking called January 1859

Historians from all over Romania and abroad attended on Wednesday a symposium called "The Greater Union - the culmination of a millenary history," organised by the National Defence College Foundation and the National Defence College at the Central University Library in Bucharest, an event that is part of the series of events dedicated to the Centennial of the December 1, 1918 Greater Union.
