Greece's Asylum Service

New chief appointed at Greece's Asylum Service

Greece's Asylum Service, which operates under the Migration Ministry, was assigned a new chief on Thursday.

Markos Karavias, an assistant professor of international law specializing in immigration at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, is formally taking over the post during a particularly pressing period.

Workers in asylum service staging a two-day strike

The union of contract workers at Greece's Asylum Service are staging a two-day strike on Wednesday and Thursday to demand permanent jobs and payment of their wages for September.

In a statement on Tuesday, the union said there is concern that 100 contract workers stand to lose their jobs and warned that it will escalate strike action.

Thousands of asylum claims pending despite influx drop

Thousands of asylum applications remain pending even though the influx of undocumented migrants into Greece from neighboring Turkey has plummeted over the past year.

A total of 2,627 migrants landed on the islands of the eastern Aegean from Turkey between January 1 and March 5 this year, according to government data. In the same period last year, that number was 121,426.