Greek Film Center

For an Oscar or a Raspberry?

A storm in a teacup or a serious shift in the Greek cinema industry's institutional landscape? Draft laws, as a rule, tend to attract the interest only of those who are directly affected, a few specific circles. Their anxiety about what will come is not always justified, as their main source of concern is, usually, that some new measure will come along to rock their boat. 

Greek cinema funds boosted

As part of the state's effort to promote modern Greek culture, the Greek Film Center (GFC) is to implement five new financial programs to boost the local industry.

The programs will be bankrolled through the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RFF), while just last week, the GFC approved financial support for 13 film projects to the tune of 1,262,000 euros.

Film days at Greek Consulate Istanbul

With the collaboration of the Greek Film Center, the Greek Consulate in Istanbul is organizing a Contemporary Greek Cinema season at Sismanoglio Megaro until May 2015.

The season, which started last month with Nikos Panayotopoulos' film "Athens-Istanbul," will present Syllas Tzoumerkas' film "Homeland" on Dec. 12 at 7 p.m.