Human Rights Watch

Greek police 'frequently harass and abuse' marginalized people, HRW says

Police in Athens systematically harass and abuse marginalized people, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Wednesday, adding that the arbitrary detention of individuals who live or spend considerable amounts of time on the streets interferes with their access to much-needed healthcare and support services.

Hollande raises Azerbaijan's rights record in Baku talks

French President Hollande raises rights abuses with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev at talks focused on its dispute with Armenia over Nagorny Karabakh French President Francois Hollande on April 25 raised rights abuses with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev at talks focused on its dispute with Armenia over Nagorny Karabakh.

Serbian police denies HRW claims of abuse against migrants

BELGRADE - The Serbian police denied on Wednesday the claims of abuse and mistreatment of asylum seekers and migrants in Serbia alleged in a report by the Human Rights Watch (HRW).

The statement sent to the Associated Press claims that the Serbian authorities have not received any complaints from the migrants over the alleged mistreatment, the US news agency reports.
