Kocaeli University

Police detain 14 academics amid accusations by president of 'terrorist propaganda'

Police in the northwestern province of Kocaeli have detained 14 academics that signed a petition to call for an end to military operations in Southeast Anatolia, just days after President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an slammed the academics for making "terrorist propaganda."

CHP deputy files question on 'SpongeBob' castle restoration in Istanbul

A Republican People?s Party (CHP) deputy has filed a parliamentary question about the controversial restoration of a castle dating back 2,000 years in Istanbul?s northern coastal district of ?ile, which has been criticized for resembling cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants. 

Write your own story

He was born in Kuzguncuk, an old Istanbul neighborhood where the popular soap opera “Perihan Abla” was shot. When he was 10, he started playing football for Kartalspor. He was the striker. They were Istanbul champion in the junior league. They beat Fenerbahçe actually; he scored the goal. One day he fell and broke his arm.

17 university students protesting Lice incidents detained in Kocaeli

More than a dozen university students protesting the recent clashes in Lice have been detained in the western province of Kocaeli June 9.

Several students from Kocaeli University held protests at the Umuttepe campus.

Some of the students broke windows and threw chairs, which prevented a scheduled exam.
Police intervened and 17 students have been detained.
