Ministry of Internal Affairs

MIA Revealed Brutal Drug Gang

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) revealed a brutal drug gang which has killed one supervisor, and has crippled a doctore, according to bTV.

7 people are arrested. They are authors of the attack against the orthopaedist prof. Stefan Stanchev, and the killers of a gaffer of the Central Sofia Prison.

Mladen Marinov To Become The New Secretary General of Internal Affairs

The Bulgarian government proposed to the President to pass a decree with which to hire the Superintendant Mladen Marinov as a Secretary General of Internal Affairs, reported Dnevnik.

Mladen Marinov is a head of the Sofia Directorate of Internal Affairs from July 2014. He graduated from MIA Academy and from the University of National and World Economy as a lawyer.

MIA: 3 Died, 40 Injured in Car Accidents in Past 24-hour

Three people died, and 40 are injured in twenty heavy accidents on the road in the past 24-hour. The life of five of the injured is threatened. This announced the MIA's (the Ministry of Internal Affairs) Press Centre, reported Focus News Agency.

In Sofia are registered 51 slight and one severe road accidents.

Merkel grants Ergogan request to prosecute German comedian for insulting him (controversial video-no eng subs)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has granted Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan request a legal inquiry and a possible prosecution against German TV comedian Jan Boehmermann for writing and performing a poem that the Turkish President took offence to. “Turkey has demanded prosecution of Jan Boehmermann.

IntMin Oprea: Heroes' Day, the national celebration honoring those who sacrificed themselves for Romania

The Heroes' Day is the national celebration honoring the memory of our forerunners who sacrificed themselves for the freedom of the Romanians and for Romania's territorial integrity, Deputy Prime Minister for National Security, Minister of Internal Affairs Gabriel Oprea said on the occasion.

Photo credit: (c) Angelo BREZOIANU / AGERPRES PHOTO
