National Ballet

Kosovo Opera and Ballet Law Dances Around Hall Issue

A fresh draft Law on the Kosovo Philharmonic, Opera and Ballet, provided to BIRN by an official of the Ministry of Culture - aimed at amending the previous law passed by the UN rule-of-law mission in Kosovo, UNMIK - fails to resolve the key issue - the lack of a dedicated concert and performance hall.

Over 1300 Foreign Artists and Ballet Dancers Work in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria these positions have not been able to be borrowed by Bulgarians, writes NOVA TV.

Teachers, athletes, ballerinas and circus artists came in Bulgaria from non-EU countries.

Since the beginning of 2019, 1346 foreign nationals from third countries have been granted permission to work in Bulgaria, according to data from the Employment Agency, including seasonal workers.

Dance Day marked by ballet featuring Tsygankova, Golding

BELGRADE - The International Dance Day was marked in Belgrade with the Don Quixote ballet produced by the National Theatre of Serbia.

Prima-ballerina of the National Ballet from Amsterdam, Anna Tsygankova, and a principal dancer of the Royal Ballet in London, Matthew Golding, premiered in front of the Belgrade audience in the Sava Centre on Wednesday evening.