National Documentation Center

Pay rise won’t cut it to lure Greek professionals home

A pay rise alone is not enough to lure back scientists who emigrated during the financial crisis of the previous decade, according to the majority of participants of a conference on the challenges and opportunities for individuals, society and the economy by the National Documentation Center. 

Greece seventh in the EU in Horizon Europe program

Greece ranked seventh among the European Union's 27 member-states both in approved projects and in funding in the Horizon Europe program for research and innovation over 2021-2022, the National Documentation Center said on Thursday.

Greece accounted for 829 projects, or 16.5% of all EU states' projects, and approved funding of 644.72 million euros, or 4.5% of all EU projects.

Most PhD graduates in 2005-2015 had to rely on their own resources

Greece acquired nearly 20,000 new doctoral graduates in the 10-year period from 2005 to 2015, data from the National Documentation Center have shown.

Most of the 19,929 PhDs, 46 percent, were aged up to 35 years old, with the 35-44 year-old age bracket accounting for 38.1 percent of new PhDs.

Men were slightly ahead of women at 50.7 and 49.3 percent respectively.

European Maritime Day 2015 - Conference call

A conference on European Maritime Day 2015 is taking place at the Athens Music Hall (Megaron Mousikis) on May 28, 2015. The event, planned in the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, is aimed at promoting cooperation and allowing participants from Europe to present their products and services and find the right partners.