New School for Social Research

Political Scientist Rumyana Kolarova Gets Environment Portfolio

Rumyana Kolarova, the Minister of Education and Science in the new caretaker government.

She holds Philosophy and Sociology degrees from the Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski.

She has specialized at the London School of Economics and Political Science, at the New School for Social Research (New York, US) and at Florence's European University Institute.

From glossy fashion to the world we live in: The iconic images of Richard Avedon

By Elis Kiss

Henry Moore’s hand speaks of the sculptor in a 1963 photograph, while a double-take portrait of Francis Bacon from 1979 comes as a reflection of the painter’s own fragmented oeuvre. The images, shot by acclaimed photographer Richard Avedon, are iconic: They define their era, the sitters and the person orchestrating them behind the lens.