Former Bosnian Refugee to Become Austria’s New Justice Minister
A Bosnian-born woman who came to Austria as a child refugee will be Austria's new Justice Minister, it was confirmed on Thursday.
Thirty-five-year-old Alma Zadic, a lawyer and member of the Green Party, will also be the youngest Justice Minister in Austrian history and the first to come from an immigrant background.
Austrian Rightist Leader Backs Bosnian Serb Independence
The international community should stop using force to keep Bosnia and Herzegovina artificially alive and allows its peoples self-determination, Heinz-Christina Strache, a leader of the far-right Freedom Party of Austria, FPO, said in an interview.
Austria's far-right Freedom Party calls for ban on 'fascistic Islam'
The head of Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO) on Jan. 14 called for a law banning "fascistic Islam" and Muslim symbols, comparable to an existing law banning Nazi symbols, saying Islam could wipe out European society.
Austria needs "a law which prohibits fascistic Islam," Heinz Christian Strache told several thousand supporters at the party's new year meeting in Salzburg.