Panhellenic Federation of Railway Workers

Railway employees call off labor action after court ruling

The union of railway employees announced Monday that they are calling off their planned work stoppage and 24-hour strike for Tuesday and Wednesday respectively, after a court found their labor action illegal.

The Panhellenic Federation of Railway Workers (POS) is demanding new collective labor contracts.

Railway employees to hold work stoppage on Thursday

Greek rail employees on Tuesday announced work stoppages on Thursday, protesting the government's plans to privatize railway carriage maintenance firm Rosco.

The Panhellenic Federation of Railway Workers will stage a four-hour stoppage from 11 a.m to 3 p.m. that will affect all Trainose train services and the Proastiakos suburban rail.

Trainose concession protocol gets closer

The final obstacle to the sale of railway operator Trainose was lifted on Tuesday with the publication in the Government Gazette of the decision for writing off the state subsidies to the company.

It is therefore likely that the protocol for implementing the concession of the company to Italy's Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane will be signed on Thursday.

No metro, ISAP electric railway or tram services on Wednesday from noon to 4 p.m.

There will be no metro, ISAP electric railway or tram services in Athens from noon to 4 p.m. on Wednesday due to a work stoppage by employees who are protesting the induction of public transport companies into a fund of state assets slated for privatization and have vowed to continue their action.