Patriotic Front

Smaller Parties 'to Deliver Surprises' at Early Elections - Expert

Parties with a smaller electorate might yield surprises at Bulgaria's forthcoming snap vote on October 5, a sociology from polling agency Afis said.

Citing his pollster's survey dating end-August, Aslanov reminded the 4-5 parties nearling the threshold of 4% required for a bidder to make it into Parliament stand chances to improve their final output.

Bulgarian Party Withdraws 2 Candidates over Affiliation to Fmr State Security

A political party called Nova Bulgaria ("New Bulgaria") removed the names of two MP candidates from its list for the October 5 early elections.

The organization sent a letter to public broadcaster BNR just a day after the Files Commission published online a list of candidates from all parties that were State Security (DS) agents during the Soviet-bloc era.

Bulgaria's DPS 'Could Have Record Number of MPs' after Snap Vote

The Movement For Rights and Freedoms (DPS) are standing every chance of getting 40 MP seats within the next legislature, an expert has predicted.

Prof. Mihail Konstantinov, formerly election watchdog member and ex-head of the state company counting the ballots, has put the DPS's projected result at 550 000 votes.

GERB Will Not Have Full Majority – Poll

If elections were held today, the GERB party will not have a full majority, shows a poll of the Afis agency, owned by the Bulgarian Socialist Party member Yurii Aslanov.

According to the survey, done among 1200 adult Bulgarian citizens between August 16 and 21, even if GERB formed a coalition with the rightist Reformist Bloc, they will not have the necessary 121 seats in parliament. 
