Protection Service

#2019PresidentialElection/INTERVIEW Diaconu: Order of law must be respected in letter and spirit, only path for Romania

Mircea Diaconu, independent candidate for the presidential election supported by the "Un om" (A human being) electoral alliance, made up of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) and PRO Romania, said in an interview with AGERPRES that he does not deem necessary a modification of the Constitution, inasmuch as everything should first be laid down on the existing "order of law".

PSD's Dragnea, on reshuffle option: Dancila to stay with Gov't short of people as long as Iohannis at Cotroceni

Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule, ed.n.) leader Liviu Dragnea said that the only option for replacing ministers in the Dancila Cabinet is the government reshuffle by Parliament's vote because the head of state will not give the prime minister any answer as concerns the reshuffle. "I wish Mrs. Dancila good luck. I do not think she will receive an answer from Iohannis.